If you want to buy Triethyl citrate food grade from China suppliers with factory price, Please contact TNJ company for the first suppliers. As good Triethyl citrate suppliers, Our TNJ have more then 15 years since 2001, the quality you supply can be use in food areas and medical areas. For more help, please contact sales16@tnjchem.com for details.
Freezing point, °C . -55
Boiling range, °C 294
Flash point, °C 155
Industry grade
Appearance Colorless transparent liquid
Assay % ≥99
Color APHA ≤30
Acid value(mg KOH/g) ≤0.2
Water % ≤0.15Specific gravity 1.135-1.139
Refractive inedx ND/25 1.439-1.442
Heavy mental ≤10ppm
Arsenic(ppm) ≤3ppm
Food grade
Appearance Colorless transparent liquid
Assay % ≥99
Color APHA ≤20Acid value(mg KOH/g) ≤0.2
Water % ≤0.15
Specific gravity 1.135-1.139
Refractive inedx ND/25 1.439-1.442
Heavy mental ≤10ppm
Arsenic(ppm) ≤3ppm
Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Industry areas: It is non-toxic plasticizer, and a strong ability to dissolve many resins have good compatibility, are widely used as plasticizers for vinyl resins and cellulose resins. Use it to plasticized products with good oil resistance, light resistance and mildew resistance. Applicable to non-toxic PVC granulation, ink, paint, soft toys for children.
Food areas: Food additives,edible flavor.
200Kg or 230Kg or IBC tons of barrels, or according to customer requirements.
Storage & Handling
Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information on handling and disposal.